
Detailed Symposium Schedule
May 25-29, 2020

Dynamic detailed schedule

Training workshop ‘Transdisciplinarity in Fisheries & Ocean Sustainability’
May 20-23, 2020; Pre-registration required

Organizers: Too Big to Ignore (TBTI), School of Marine Science and Technology of Tokai University

Conveners: Ratana Chuenpagdee and Yinji Li (TBTI)

Why transdisciplinary approach? The transdisciplinary (TD) approach argues that the problems and priorities in fisheries, ocean and environmental governance require a broadening of perspectives that cut across academic disciplines, bridge division between scientific and local knowledge, and bring about innovation in teaching and learning. This is especially the case where small-scale fisheries play a prominent role in the production and supply of fish and seafood, as well as in supporting livelihoods and providing jobs to the local communities. TD training is a unique program, developed by the Too Big To Ignore Partnership for Small-Scale Fisheries Research (TBTI; toobigtoignore@net). The objective of the training is to expose participants to a range of issues, challenges and concerns related to fisheries, ocean and environmental sustainability, especially those affecting small-scale fisheries, as well as to deepen the understanding about their causes and effects, and to broaden the perspective about how to address them.

The 4-day workshop consists of a series of lectures, accompanied by exercises and group work to facilitate learning. It will also include a full day field visit to a fishing community, a fish market, and the Fisheries Cooperative Association (FCA) of Yui, Shizuoka, famous for its Sakura (cherry blossom) shrimp fishery.

Target group The TD training workshop in Shizuoka is co-hosted by Tokai University and is organized in conjunction with the Marine Socio-Ecological Systems symposium (MSEAS 2020), which will take place from May 25-29 in Yokohama, Japan, in order to facilitate participation of scientists, practitioners, students and others who are already planning to attend the MSEAS 2020. The training workshop is, however, opened to anyone interested in learning about transdisciplinarity and keen to promote TD practices to support sustainable small-scale fisheries, and for fisheries and ocean sustainability broadly. Background and knowledge about fisheries, ocean and environmental issues are required.

Cost There is no lecture fee and the teaching/learning materials will be provided to the participants free of charge. Participants are responsible for their own expenses (e.g. transportation, accommodation, and meals). A small fee (about USD30) will be charged for the field trip (to cover accommodation and meal).

Application: Early application is strongly encouraged, as space is limited. The application deadline is February 15, 2020. To apply, click here.
