Task Team: MONITOR
  • Acronym: TT-MONITOR
  • Parent Committee: CCCC
  • Term: Oct. 1997 - Oct. 2004
  • Co-Chairs:
    Phillip R. Mundy (Oct. 2003 - Oct. 2004, USA)
    Sei-ichi Saitoh (Oct. 2003 - Oct. 2004, Japan)
    David L. Mackas (Oct. 2000 - Oct. 2004, Canada)
    Bruce Taft (Oct. 1997 - Oct. 2000, USA)
    Yasunori Sakurai (Oct. 1997 - Oct. 2000, Japan)
Key Tasks
  1. Review and suggest improvements to monitoring by PICES nations;
  2. Consult on designing a PICES monitoring system (calibrations, standardization, etc.);
  3. Assist with development of a coordinated monitoring program to detect and describe events that strongly affect the subarctic Pacific;
  4. Report to CCCC on the monitoring needs in the subarctic Pacific to be implemented in GOOS (Global Ocean Observing System).
Annual Meetings


2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998

Symposia / Inter-sessional Workshops

2003, Apr 4-5
MONITOR Workshop on Voluntary Observing Systems
Seattle, WA, USA
Sponsors/Organizers: PICES



PICES Scientific Reports
PICES Sci. Rep. 20
MONITOR workshop to review progress in monitoring the North Pacific

PICES Sci. Rep. 17
MONITOR workshop on progress in monitoring the North Pacific

PICES Sci. Rep. 15
Report of the 1999 MONITOR task team workshop

PICES Sci. Rep. 11
MONITOR Task Team Report
Primary Journals
Related Materials
Other Publications
David L. Mackas
Fisheries & Oceans Canada
Institute of Ocean Sciences
P.O. Box 6000
Sidney, BC
Canada V8L 4B2
Phone: (1-250) 363-6442
Fax: (1-250) 363-6390
E-mail: MackasD@pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Kiyotaka Hidaka
National Research Institute of Fisheries Science
Marine Productivity Division
2-12-4 Fukuura, Kanazawa
Yokohama, Kanagawa
Japan 236-8648
Phone: (81-45)788-7652
Fax: (81-45)788-5001
E-mail: khidaka@fra.affrc.go.jp
Yutaka Nagata
Marine Information Research Center
Japan Hydrographic Association
Mishima Bldg. 5F, 7-15-4 Ginza, Chuo-ku
Japan 104-0061
Phone: (81-3) 3248-6668
Fax: (81-3) 3248-6661
E-mail: nagata@mirc.jha.or.jp
Sei-ichi Saitoh
Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences
Hokkaido University
3-1-1 Minato-cho
Hakodate, Hokkaido
Japan 041-8611
Phone: (81-138) 40-8843
Fax: (81-138) 43-5015
E-mail: ssaitoh@salmon.fish.hokudai.ac.jp
Quan Wen
National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center
42 Linhe Street, Shahekou District
Dalian, Liaoning
People's Republic of China 116023
Phone: (86-411) 478-2522
Fax: (86-411) 478-3277
E-mail: qwen@nmemc.gov.cn
Xian-Yong Zhao
Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute
Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences
106 Nanjing Road
Qingdao, Shandong
People's Republic of China 266071
Phone: (86-532) 583-6344
Fax: (86-532) 581-1514
E-mail: zhaoxy@ysfri.ac.cn
Young-Jean Choi
Forecast Research Laboratory
Meteorological Research Institute
2 Waryong-dong, Chongno-gu
Republic of Korea 110-360
Phone: (82-2) 765-7016
Fax: (82-2) 763-8209
E-mail: yjchoi@iris.metri.re.kr
Chul Park
Oceanography Department
Chungnam National University
220 Kung-Dong, Yousung-Gu
Republic of Korea 305 764
Phone: (82-42) 821-6438
Fax: (82-42) 822-8173
E-mail: chulpark@cnu.ac.kr
Vyacheslav B. Lobanov
Pacific Oceanological Institute
43 Baltiyskaya Street
Russia 690041
Phone: (7-4232) 312-377
Fax: (7-4232) 312-573
E-mail: lobanov@poi.dvo.ru
Nikolay A. Rykov
Regional Oceanographic Data Center (RODC)
Far Eastern Regional Hydrometeorological Research Institute (FERHRI)
24 Fontannaya Street
Russia 690990
Phone: (7-4232) 228-844
Fax: (7-4232) 227-754
E-mail: rodc@hydromet.com
Mikhail Stepanenko1
Pacific Scientific Research Fisheries Center (TINRO-Center)
4 Shevchenko Alley
Russia 690950
Phone: (7-4232) 257-921
Fax: (7-4232) 300-752
E-mail: interdept@tinro.ru
Jack A. Barth
College of Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences
Oregon State University
104 COAS Admin Bldg
Corvallis, OR
U.S.A. 97331-5503
Phone: (1-541) 737-1607
Fax: (1-541) 737-2064
E-mail: barth@coas.oregonstate.edu
Phillip R. Mundy
Gulf Ecosystem Monitoring
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council
441 West 5th Avenue, Suite 500
Anchorage, AK
U.S.A. 99501
Phone: 907-278-8012
Fax: (1-907) 276-7178
E-mail: phil_mundy@evostc.state.ak.us
Jeffrey M. Napp
Alaska Fisheries Science Center
National Marine Fisheries ServiceNOAA
7600 Sand Point Way NE, Bldg. 4
Seattle, WA
U.S.A. 98115-0070
Phone: (1-206) 526-4148
Fax: (1-206) 526-6723
E-mail: Jeff.Napp@noaa.gov
Thomas C. Royer
Ocean, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography
Old Dominion University
768 W. 52nd St.
Norfolk, VA
U.S.A. 23508-2055
Phone: (1-757) 683-5547
Fax: (1-757) 683-5550
E-mail: royer@ccpo.odu.edu
William J. Sydeman
Marine Ecology Division
Point Reyes Bird Observatory
4990 Shoreline Highway
Stinson Beach, CA
U.S.A. 94970
Phone: (1-415) 868-1221 ext.319
Fax: (1-415) 868-1946
E-mail: wjsydeman@prbo.org