PICES Awards

Each year, usually at the PICES Annual Meeting, a number of awards are presented to PICES groups and individuals for their contributions to PICES marine science, according to a variety of criteria. Please see information below on each award, including summary nomination criteria, deadlines, and links to more detailed information.

PICES Chair Award

This award is given for sustained contributions to the development of PICES that have allowed it to meet the purpose as set out in the PICES Convention. Nominations are open annually from November 1st of the preceding year to July 31st of the Award year. See the Chair Award page for additional nomination information.

PICES Ocean Monitoring Service (POMA) Award

PICES Ocean Monitoring Service Award (POMA) aims to recognize organizations, groups and outstanding individuals that have contributed significantly to the advancement of marine science in the North Pacific through long-term ocean monitoring, data management, and innovative advances in ocean monitoring. Nominations are open annually from November 1st of the preceding year to March 31st of the Award year. See the POMA Award page for additional nomination information.

PICES Wooster Award

Named in honour of Professor Warren S. Wooster, a principal founder and the first Chairman of PICES, this award is given annually to an individual who has made significant scientific contributions to North Pacific marine science, such as understanding and predicting the role of human and climate interactions on marine ecosystem production. Nominations are open annually from November 1st of the preceding year to March 31st of the Award year. See the Wooster Award page for additional nomination information.

Zhu-Peterson Early Career Scientist Award

Named in honor of Professor Zhu and Dr. Peterson, two marine scientists who strongly encouraged early career scientists to become engaged in PICES The Zhu-Peterson ECS Award may be given annually to an individual who has performed innovative research at the frontier of science relevant to the PICES mission as set out in the PICES Convention. Nominations are open annually from November 1st of the preceding year to March 31st of the Award year. See the Zhu-Peterson ECS Award page for additional nomination information.

FUTURE Early Career Ocean Professional (ECOP) Award

The goal of this travel support award is to encourage recognition and application of the Socio-Ecological Environmental System (SEES) approach, and engage early career ocean professionals in PICES activities. For additional information on how to apply, please see the FUTURE ECOP Award page.

PICES Open Data Excellence (PODA) Award

PICES Open Data Excellent Award (PODA) aims to recognize organizations, groups, and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the practice of open science, data sharing, and FAIR data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) in support of the PICES community. Nominations are open annually from November 1st of the preceding year to March 31st of the Award year. See the PODA Award page for additional nomination information.