The FUTURE ECOP Award is a FULL travel support granted to an Early Career Ocean Professional (ECOP) to attend the PICES Annual Meeting.
Encourage recognition and application of the Socio-Ecological Environmental System (SEES) approach, and engage early career ocean professionals into PICES activities.
Provide some travel support to an ECOP who demonstrates the application of the SEES approach in the framing of their research and is willing to present this work at the Science Board (or other plenary) Symposium.
PICES provides a forum for young scientists from around the North Pacific to share knowledge and build collaborations that cross both disciplinary and international boundaries. The goal of the scientific program of PICES is to understand and communicate present conditions and projected future states of North Pacific ecosystems and the potential responses to human use and climate change.
To further increase the capacity of the PICES community to understand and communicate the processes that link climate processes and human activities to multi-scale ecosystem responses, a Social-Ecological-Environmental Systems (SEES) framework has been developed and highlighted in a recent manuscript (Bograd et al., 2019).
The FUTURE Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) seeks to inspire Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOP) to consider the application of the SEES approach in their work. We encourage PICES scientists to bear in mind the following questions as they consider research to be shared at the next PICES Annual Meeting:
Vivitskaia J.D. Tulloch
Conservation Decisions Lab, Uninversity of British Columbia (UBC), BC, Canada
PICES-2023 Opening Ceremony: Awards |
PICES Press 2024, Vol. 32, No. 1, page 11 |