Working Group 51: Exploring Human Networks to Power Sustainability

For more than 30 years, PICES has initiated international research projects that provide a link between various institutions, countries, and cultural spheres in the North Pacific Ocean. This leadership position gives PICES an advantage to make progress towards the goals outlined for the UN Decade of Ocean Science (2021-2030). Principally, the knowledge and experience of across the PICES research community offers a unique opportunity to design and deliver ‘Transformative Ocean Science’ for UNDOS with leadership by the Human Dimensions Committee (HDC). The HDC began research in 2020 to conduct a preliminary assessment of the PICES human network towards understanding how the organization may already be addressing a variety of UNDOS goals. The research team assembled and analysed research products created within PICES since 1992. The application of modern text and correspondence analysis techniques supported the use of these materials as a rich data source for exploring the PICES’ human network and its linkages to UNDOS. We established that although PICES research has a broader focus than ever, including globally relevant and more human dimensions-oriented investigations, the scope of work that has been undertaken provides significant inputs for almost all UNDOS goals and considerable gaps in others. We see promise in how the evaluation of the human networks can power our understanding of the pathways and tools we use to achieve sustainability and other ocean science goals. We aim to expand our initial work on the PICES organization to by studying linkages among research activities and their social networks within PICES nations and other significant marine science organizations around the globe.


  1. Increase our understanding of characteristics and gaps in ocean science between northeast and northwest Pacific Ocean.
  2. Facilitate PICES activities supporting UNDOS within PICES nations and other significant marine science organizations from around the globe.
  3. Develop methodology to evaluate how the human networks can power ʻTransformative Ocean Scienceʼ.

Terms of Reference
  1. Summarize data availability of the database for research activities in PICES nations (Yr 1)
  2. Compare similarity and difference of research topics between PICES nations and UNDOS goals based on case studies using text and correspondence analysis as per (Takemura et al. in prep) (Yr 1-2)
  3. Identify key human networks and research focuses to bridge gaps in north Pacific Ocean (Yr 1-2)
  4. Evaluate human networks data sets with network analysis to map linkages for achieving “Transformative Ocean Science” (Yr 2-3)
  5. Outline successes and gaps in ʻTransformative Ocean Scienceʼ within PICES nations and other major marine science organizations from around the globe (Yr 2-3)
  6. Publish final report (Yr 3)
  • Changes within WG 51 Membership (Canada) Karen Hunter, Rebecca Goldman, and Raphael Kevin Roman are newly appointed members of WG-51.
    4/5/2024 2:02:57 PM PST
  • Changes within WG 51 Membership (USA) Dr. Rachel Seary is a new member of WG-51.
    2/28/2024 2:08:06 PM PST
  • Changes within WG 51 Membership (Korea) Prof. Jongseong Ryu is a new member of WG-51.
    1/29/2024 2:59:07 PM PST
  • WG 51 Membership (Korea): Prof. Moo Joon Lee is a new member of WG-51.
    9/13/2023 7:46:09 AM PST
  • New Working Group WG-51 Membership (Japan, China & Co-Chair) Dr. Shion Takemura (Co-Chair), Prof. Mitsutaku Makino (Japan), and Ling Cao (China) are newly appointed WG-51 Members.
    12/29/2022 7:12:07 PM PST
Ms. Karen Hunter (HD, WG-49, WG-51)
HD Vice-Chair, WG-49 Co-Chair, WG-51 Co-Chair
Pacific Biological Station
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
3190 Hammond Bay Rd.
Nanaimo, BC
Canada V9T 6N7
Dr. Rebecca Goldman Martone (WG-51)
UN Ocean Decade Regional Collaborative Centre for the NE Pacific Subbasin
Tula Foundation
1165 Chapman Rd, Cobble Hill, BC V0R 1L7
Cobble Hill, BC
Canada V0R1L7
Mr. Raphael Kevin Roman (AP-ECOP, AP-UNDOS, WG-51)
AP-ECOP Co-Chair
UN Ocean Decade-endorsed ECOP Programme
2350 W 8th Avenue
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V6K2A9
Dr. Ling Cao (WG-51)
School of Oceanography
Shanhai Jiao Tong University
800 Dongchuan Rd., Minhang District
Shanghai, China, PR 200240
Prof. Mitsutaku Makino (AP-UNDOS, FUTURE-SSC, HD, SB, WG-51)
HD Chair
Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute (AORI)
The University of Tokyo
5-1-5, Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa-shi
Chiba, Japan 277-8564
Dr. Shion Takemura (HD, WG-51)
WG-51 Co-Chair
Socio-Ecological Systems Division, Fisheries Stock Assessment Center, Fisheries Resources Institute
Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency (FRA)
2-12-4 Fukuura, Kanazawa-ku
Yokohama, Kanagawa
Japan 2368648
Prof. Moo Joon Lee (WG-51)
Department of Marine Biotechnology
Anyang University
Ganghwa-gun, Incheon, Korea, R 23038
+82 10-8947-1541
+82 32-930-6215
Prof. Jongseong Ryu (HD, WG-49, WG-51)
Department of Marine Biotechnology
Anyang University
602-14, Jungang-no, Bureun-myeon,
Ganghwa-gun, Incheon
Korea, R 23038
(82-32) 930-6033
(82-32) 930-6215
Dr. Rachel Seary (WG-51)
Institute of Marine Sciences
University of California, Santa Cruz
2516 Q St NW
Washington DC, U.S.A. 20007
Annual Meetings
