Formation of offshore ecological hotspots and its fluctuation in the western North Pacific
Shin-ichi Ito, Taku Wagawa, Shigeho Kakehi and Takeshi Okunishi
[pdf, 2 Mb]
What goes on beneath the waves and when we're not watching
John A. Barth
[pdf, 2.5 Mb]
Northwestern Pacific subarctic marine ecosystems structure and possible trends of it
changing in nearest future
Elena P. Dulepova
[pdf, 2 Mb]
How much do we know about the 88-91 regime shift in the southwestern East Sea ecosystem?
Sinjae Yoo, Chan Joo Jang, Joo-Eun Yoon and Soonmi Lee
[pdf, 2 Mb]
Hegemony and shared dominance in marine capture fisheries
Robert Blasiak and Nobuyuki Yagi
3 Mb
Projected responses of the central North Pacific pelagic ecosystem to climate-induced
changes in micronekton communities
C. Anela Choy, Phoebe Woodworth-Jefcoats and Jeffrey J. Polovina
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
Estimation of the future change of anchovy recruitment in response to global warming off
western coast of Kyushu, Japan
Aigo Takeshige, Shingo Kimura, Yoichi Miyake, Hideaki Nakata and Takashi Kitagawa
[pdf, 4 Mb]
So now people believe that the ocean is changing - And so is the climate. NOW what?
Jake Rice
[pdf, 0.5 Mb]
Distribution modeling for deep-sea corals and sponges in Alaska
Chris Rooper, Mark Zimmermann, Mike Sigler and Jerry Hoff
[pdf, 1.5 Mb]
Modeling temporal variation in krill "hotspots": Size, intensity, persistence and coherence
with krill predators
Jarrod A. Santora, Jeffrey Dorman and William J. Sydeman
[pdf, 5.5 Mb]
Prediction of zooplankton community Spatial-Temporal patterns in the Chukchi Sea – Case
study using habitat modeling approach
Hiroko Sasaki, Kohei Matsuno, Atsushi Yamaguchi, Yutaka Watanuki and Takashi Kikuchi
[waiting for permission]
Comparison of habitat suitability models for neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartramii) in
western and central North Pacific
Irene Alabia, Sei-Ichi Saitoh, Hiromichi Igarashi, Yoichi Ishikawa, Norihisa Usui, Masafumi
Kamachi, Awaji Toshiyuki and Masaki Seito
[waiting for permission]
GIS-based potential habitat mapping for Todarodes pacificus (common squid)
Yoon-Kyung Lee, Inhye Park, Sang-Woo Kim, Jong-Kuk Choi, Saro Lee and Joo-Hyung Ryu
[waiting for permission]
Is seabird bycatch rate affected by the seabird distribution? Estimation of seabird
distribution for bycatch risk assessment
Yukiko Inoue, Makoto Okazaki, Maria P. Dias, Cleo Small and Hiroshi Minami
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
Cassin's Auklet at-sea distribution and exposure to stressors such as ship-source oil pollution
and microplastics
Patrick D. O'Hara, Ken Morgan, Jamie McDevitt-Irwin, Jean-Pierre W. Desforges, Peter S. Ross
and Sean Boyd
[pdf, 4 Mb]
A multi-model ensemble prediction of habitat suitability index (HSI) models for neon flying
squid in central North Pacific by using 3-D ocean data assimilation product
Hiromichi Igarashi, Toshiyuki Awaji, Masafumi Kamachi, Yoichi Ishikawa, Norihisa Usui,
Masaaki Iiyama, Yosuke Onoue, Mitsuo Sakai, Yoshiki Kato, Irene Alabia, Sei-ichi Saitoh and
Masaki Seitoh
[pdf, 3 Mb]
Tipping points and decision-making: Why they matter, why they are hard, and practical
things to do
Jake Rice
[pdf, 0.5 Mb]
Embedding the science of tipping points into ocean management
Rebecca Martone, Carrie Kappel, Courtney Scarborough, Mary Hunsicker, Ben Halpern, Kimberly
Selkoe, Phil Levin, Jameal F. Samhouri, Crow White, Ashley Erickson, Ryan Kelly, Lindley
Mease, Margaret Caldwell, Larry Crowder and Rod Fujita
28 Mb
Ecological network indicators of ecosystem status and change in the Baltic Sea
Maciej T. Tomczak, Johanna J. Heymans, Johanna Yletyinen, Susa Niiranen, Saskia A. Otto and
Thorsten Blenckner
[pdf, 3 Mb]
Regional variations in ecosystem responses to anthropogenic activities and natural stressors
in the Seto Inland Sea
Motomitsu Takahashi, Sachihiko Itoh, Naoki Yoshie and Kazuhiko Mochida
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
Potential early warning indicators of marine ecosystem changes in coastal British Columbia,
R. Ian Perry
[pdf, 1 Mb]
Seabird indicators and "tipping points" in North Pacific marine ecosystems
William J. Sydeman, Sarah Ann Thompson, Julie A. Thayer, Marisol Garcia-Reyes, Heather
Renner, John F. Piatt, Stephanie Zador and Yutaka Watanuki
[pdf, 3 Mb]
The effects of acute gamma irradiation on the survival and the physiological and biochemical
indexes of Chinese black sleeper, Bostrichthys sinensis
Wen Yu, Tao Yu, Yusheng Zhang and Feng Lin
[pdf, 2 Mb]
The combined effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on the physiological condition of the
olive flounder larvae Paralichthys olivaceus
Kyung-Su Kim, JeongHee Shim and Suam Kim
4 Mb
Diversity of perceptions and utility of marine ecosystem services
Kazumi Wakita, Zhonghua Shen, Taro Oishi, Nobuyuki Yagi, Hisashi Kurokura and Ken Furuya
[pdf, 1 Mb]
Assessment of the magnitude and interrelationship of seasonal phytoplankton bloom
occurrence at the Japanese scallop (Mizuhopecten yessoensis) farming area of Okhotsk Sea,
Hokkaido, Japan
Christopher Mulanda Aura, Sei-Ichi Saitoh, Yang Liu and Toru Hirawake
[pdf, 1.5 Mb]
Ordered re-assembly of marine ecosystems
Jameal F. Samhouri, Adrian C. Stier and Phil Levin
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
Potential reference points for mean trophic level of macrofauna in the Sea of Okhotsk
Konstantin M. Gorbatenko, Vladimir V. Kulik and Artem E. Lazshentsev
[pdf, 1 Mb]
The bioconcentration of artificial radionuclides by marine animals after the Fukushima
nuclear accident in the Northwest Pacific
Wu Men, Jianhua He, Wen Yu, Fenfen Wang, Wuhui Lin and Yusheng Zhang
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
Seasonal and spatial variations in nematode assemblages affected by thermal influence of a
nuclear power plant in Korea (East Sea, Pacific Ocean)
Hyeong-gi Kim, Hyun soo Rho and Chul-woong Oh
[waiting for permission]
Characterization of absorbed dose from natural and anthropogenic radionuclides for the
purpose of establishing reference points within the marine environment
Delvan R. Neville and Kathryn A. Higley
[pdf, 1 Mb]
Big YES to sustainable ecosystem management and why NO to sustainable monitoring
efforts? - Gap between demand and supply in Japanese case
Sanae Chiba
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
Design of ocean observation systems: Sampling requirements to monitor fish population and
community trends as Essential Ocean Variables
J. Anthony Koslow and Melaina Wright
[pdf, 3 Mb]
Understanding the mechanisms of the interannual variability of phytoplankton in the
Ulleung Basin, East Sea: A modeling study
Soonmi Lee, Sinjae Yoo, Chanjoo Jang and Momme Butenschon
[pdf, 2 Mb]
The North Pacific Continuous Plankton Recorder survey
Sonia Batten
[pdf, 18 Mb]
How the 20 year Newport Line zooplankton time series is used to inform fisheries management
William Peterson, Jay Peterson, Jennifer Fisher and Cheryl Morgan
(Harold Batchelder on behalf of William Peterson)
[waiting for permission]
Long term zooplankton monitoring and database programs in British Columbia - Understanding the dynamics of a changing ocean
Moira Galbraith, David Mackas and R. Ian Perry
[pdf, 2 Mb]
Taking stock
David M. Checkley, Jr.
[pdf, 1 Mb]
Comparison of short-term and long-term climate changes on catch fluctuations of Pacific
cod, Gadus macrocephalus, in the Yellow Sea
Heeyong Kim and Daehyun Kim
[pdf, 3.5 Mb]
Observations of seasonal movement of a single tag release group of Pacific cod in the eastern
Bering Sea
Kimberly M. Rand, Elizabeth A. Logerwell, Peter Munro, Sandra K. Neidetcher and Daniel G.
[pdf, 2 Mb]
Effects of water temperatures on the size and GSI variations of walleye pollock (
) in the East Sea
Minkyoung Bang, S. Kang, J.-H. Park and S. Kim
[waiting for permission]
Spawning phenology and geography of Aleutian Islands and eastern Bering Sea Pacific cod
(Gadus macrocephalus)
Sandra K. Neidetcher, Thomas P. Hurst, Lorenzo Ciannelli and Elizabeth A. Logerwell
[pdf, 2.5 Mb]
Review of the saffron cod Eleginus gracilis (Tilesius) fishery in the seas on Russian Far East
Olga V. Novikova
[pdf, 3 Mb]
Asynchronous responses of fish assemblages to climate-driven ocean regime shifts between
the upper and deep layer in the Ulleung Basin of the East Sea from 1986 to 2010
Sukgeun Jung
[pdf, 1.5 Mb]
Exploration of ecosystem factors responsible for coherent recruitment patterns of Pacific
cod and walleye pollock in the eastern Bering Sea
Patricia A. Livingston, Kerim Aydin, James Ianelli and Grant Thompson
[pdf, 2 Mb]
Molecular genetic study of the population structure as a basis for Pacific сod fishery
management in the Russian Far East
Maria A. Rabchun, Svetlana Y. Orlova, Alexey M. Orlov and Nikolay S. Mugue
[pdf, 1.5 Mb]
An ecosystem-based assessment of the Bering Sea pollock recruitment and spatial distribution
Mikhail A. Stepanenko and Elena V. Gritsay
[pdf, 2 Mb]
Spatial match-mismatch between juvenile walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) and
zooplankton prey in the eastern Bering Sea may contribute to recruitment variability
Elizabeth Calvert Siddon, Trond Kristiansen, Franz J. Mueter, Kirstin Holsman, Ron Heintz and
Edward Farley
1 Mb
Carbon flows through Gadidae species in the ecosystem of the Northeastern part of the Sea
of Okhotsk estimated in a carbon flow mass balance model
Konstantin M. Gorbatenko, Vladimir V. Kulik, Artem E. Lazshentsev, Alexander V. Zavolokin and
Victor A. Nadtochy
[pdf, 1 Mb]
Development of multispecies models to investigate predator-prey interactions and
temperature-mediated predation rates of Pacific cod and other groundfish in the eastern Bering Sea
Tadayasu Uchiyama, Gordon H. Kruse and Franz J. Mueter
[pdf, 1 Mb]
Parasitology of Pacific cod
Nadezhda L. Aseeva
[pdf, 2 Mb]
Incorporating North Pacific climate signals in long-term fishery management
Romeo Saldívar-Lucío, Aida Martínez-López, Emanuele Di Lorenzo, Germán Ponce-Díaz,
Jacquelynne King, Gordon McFarlane, Christian Salvadeo, Daniel Lluch-Cota and José Alberto
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
Projected climate impacts on the distribution and volume of marine ecoregions and
implications for species interactions
Anne B. Hollowed, Matthew R. Baker, Albert Hermann and Kirstin Holsman
[waiting for permission]
Global Change effects on Pacific saury distribution and its effects on fisheries
Shin-ichi Ito, Kosei Komatsu, Takeshi Okunishi, Akinori Takasuka, Naoki Yoshie, Takahiko
Kameda, Sohsuke Ohno, Kazuyoshi Watanabe, Takashi Setou and Hiroshi Kuroda
3 Mb
Expansion of albacore tuna habitat in the northeast Pacific Ocean under anthropogenic
James Christian and John Holmes
[pdf, 1.5 Mb]
Predicting present and future distributions of yellowtail in the Japan Sea
Xiaozhe Pan, Sei-Ichi Saitoh and Yongjun Tian
[pdf, 6 Mb]
Fluctuations of the greenland halibut stocks in the Okhotsk Sea under influence of circulation
patterns change
Nadezhda L. Aseeva
[pdf, 2 Mb]
Temporal changes in spatial distribution of Bristol Bay red king crab in the eastern Bering
Sea and their implications for fisheries management
Jie Zheng, M.S.M. Siddeek and Gordon H. Kruse
[pdf, 3.5 Mb]
Latitudinal shifts in the distribution of commercially important fish species in Korean waters
during the last 30 years: A consequence of climate change
Sukgeun Jung, Ig-Chan Pang, Joon-ho Lee and Ilsu Choi
[pdf, 3 Mb]
The linkage between the Yellow Sea algae bloom burst in 2008 and regional climate change
Hongjun Song on behalf of Fangli Qiao
[pdf, 3.5 Mb]
North Pacific climate change impacts as projected by a suite of CMIP5 model output
Phoebe Woodworth-Jefcoats and Jeffrey J. Polovina
[pdf, 1.5 Mb]
Top predators as indicators of climate change: Statistical techniques, challenges and
Elliott L. Hazen, Rob Suryan, Steven J. Bograd, Takashi Yamamoto, Emanuele Di Lorenzo, Jeff
Polovina, William J. Sydeman, Kevin Weng, Rolf Ream and Yutaka Watanuki
[pdf, 2 Mb]
Decadal scale variation in phosphate concentration in the Oyashio and Kuroshi-Oayashio
Transition waters, western North Pacific from 1955 to 2010
Kazuaki Tadokoro, Hiroshi Kuroda and Tsuneo Ono
[pdf, 2.5 Mb]
IPCC 5th Assessment Report WG 3 - Drivers, Trends, and Mitigation: Where is the ocean?
Jake Rice
[pdf, 3 Mb]
Effects of climate change on marine ecosystems in Polar Regions
Anne B. Hollowed and Andrew Constable
[waiting for permission]
Effects of Climate Change on Marine ecosystems and fishery resources in the Northwestern
Suam Kim
[pdf, 2 Mb]
Plankton in a changing climate: Coastal and polar cases study
Hongjun Song and Rubao Ji
[pdf, 5 Mb]
Chapter 30 the Ocean, Working Group II, IPCC fifth assessment report
Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Rongshuo Cai, Elvira Poloczanska, Peter G. Brewer, Svein Sundby, Karim
Hilmi, Victoria J. Fabry and Sukgeun Jung
[pdf, 1.5 Mb]
Assessment of climate trends and projections and their associated impacts on the Pacific
coast of Canada
James Christian, Robin M. Brown, Michael Foreman, Karen Hunter and Kim Hyatt
[pdf, 2.5 Mb]
Impacts of climate change on U.S. oceans and marine resources: Technical input to the third
U.S. National Climate Assessment
Roger B. Griffis, Jennifer Howard and Anne B. Hollowed
[pdf, 1.5 Mb]
Microlitter: Recommendations for monitoring from the MSFD
Jesus Gago, Richard C. Thompson, Francois Galgani and T. Maes
[pdf, 1.5 Mb]
Marine litter problem at the Russian Far East and approaches for solution
Iana Blinovskaia
[pdf, 5 Mb]
Distribution, sources and abundance of Marine debris in the coastal area of southern part
of Primorsky Krai (Russia)
Nikolai Kozlovskii
[pdf, 2.5 Mb]
Sequential monitoring of beach litter at multiple sites using webcams
Tomoya Kataoka, Hirofumi Hinata and Shin'ichiro Kako
[pdf, 4 Mb]
Inverse estimation of marine-debris outflows using webcam observation data
Shin'ichiro Kako, Atsuhiko Isobe, Tomoya Kataoka and Hirofumi Hinata
[pdf, 6 Mb]
Distribution and impacts of micro- and macro-plastics in coastal British Columbia, Canada
Peter S. Ross, Jean-Pierre W. Desforges, Jean Fong, Moira Galbraith and Wendy Szanizlo
[pdf, 2 Mb]
Producing fragmented micro- and nano-plastics from expanded polystyrene with an
accelerated mechanical abrasion experiment
Won Joon Shim, Young Kyoung Song, Sang Hee Hong, Mi Jang, Gi Myung Han and Seung Won
[pdf, 5 Mb]
Analysis of a beach as a time-invariant linear input/output system of marine litter
Tomoya Kataoka, Hirofumi Hinata and Shigeru Kato
[pdf, 4 Mb]
Chemicals of concern in plastic marine debris: Hexabromocyclododecanes in expanded
polystyrene products
Sang Hee Hong, Won Joon Shim, Manviri Rani, Mi Jang, Najat Ahmed Al-Odaini, Gi Myung Han
and Young Kyoung Song
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
Leaching characteristics of Hexabromocyclododecane from expanded polystyrene buoy
fragments in marine water
Manviri Rani, Won Joon Shim, Mi Jang, Gi Myung Han, Young Kyoung Song and Sang Hee Hong
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
Persistent organic pollutants adsorbed on microplastic from two beaches in China
Weiwei Zhang, Zhifeng Zhang, Xindong Ma, Yan Wang and Ling Qu
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
Transport of marine debris from the 2011 tsunami in Japan: Model simulations and
observational evidence
Jan Hafner, Nikolai Maximenko and Gisela Speidel
[pdf, 9 Mb]
Selective transport of microplastics and mesoplastics by drifting in coastal waters
Atsuhiko Isobe, Kenta Kubo, Yuka Tamura, Shin'ichio Kako, Etsuko Nakashima and Naoki Fujii
[pdf, 2 Mb]
Catastrophic reduction of sea-ice in the Arctic Ocean -its impact on the marine ecosystems
in the polar region
Naomi Harada, Katsunori Kimoto, Jonaotaro Onodera, Eiji Watanabe, Makio C. Honda, Michio J.
Kishi, Takashi Kikuchi and Yuichiro Tanaka
[pdf, 4 Mb]
Seasonal cycle of phytoplankton community structure and photophysiological state in the
western subarctic gyre of the North Pacific
Tetsuichi Fujiki, Kazuhiko Matsumoto, Yoshihisa Mino, Kosei Sasaoka, Masahide Wakita, Hajime
Kawakami, Makio C. Honda, Shuichi Watanabe and Toshiro Saino
[pdf, 1.5 Mb]
Siliceous phytoplankton flux reflecting oceanographic variation in the southern Northwind
Abyssal Plain
Jonaotaro Onodera, Eiji Watanabe and Naomi Harada
[pdf, 1.7 Mb]
A biological contribution to partial pressure of CO2 in the western Arctic Ocean and Bering Sea
Ryosuke Futsuki, Toru Hirawake, Amane Fujiwara, Takashi Kikuchi, Shigeto Nishino, Daisuke
Sasano, Masao Ishii, Hiroshi Uchida and Sei-Ichi Saitoh
[pdf, 1.5 Mb]
Current status of primary production in the western Arctic Ocean
Mi Sun Yun, Bo Kyung Kim, Eun Jin Yang, Sung-Ho Kang,Terry E. Whitledge, Mike Gong and
Sang H. Lee
4 Mb
Distribution of viable diatom resting stage cells in bottom sediments and water columns in
the Chukchi Sea: Importance as seed populations of spring bloom
Chiko Tsukazaki, Ken-Ichiro Ishii, Kohei Matsuno, Atsushi Yamaguchi and Ichiro Imai
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
Assessment of the relationship between timing of sea-ice retreat and phytoplankton
community size structure derived from remote sensing in the Bering and Chukchi Sea shelf
Amane Fujiwara, Toru Hirawake, Koji Suzuki, Ichiro Imai and Sei-Ichi Saitoh
[pdf, 3.5 Mb]
Pacific and Atlantic gateways to the Arctic for plankton and fish
Franz J. Mueter, Seth Danielson, Harald Gjøsæter and Kenneth F. Drinkwater
[pdf, 2 Mb]
Reproduction of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) and some oceanographic parameters of their habitat off eastern Sakhalin Island, Sea of Okhotsk
Sen Tok Kim, I.N. Mukhametov, G.V. Shevchenko and V.N. Chastikov
[pdf, 2.5 Mb]
Distribution, transport pathway and modification of the Coastal Oyashio water, off the
Hokkaido coast, in the Northwestern Pacific
Hiroshi Kuroda, Yuko Toya, Taku Wagawa, Akira Kuwata, Shin-ichi Ito and Shigeho Kakehi
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
Hydrography of an Aleutian eddy in the developing phase and the potential influence to
lower trophic level ecosystems
Rui Saito, Ichiro Yasuda, Kosei Komatsu, Hiromu Ishiyama, Hiromichi Ueno, Hiroji Onishi,
Atsushi Yamaguchi, Takeshi Setou and Manabu Shimizu
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
Some effects of advection between the Arctic and Subarctic
Kenneth F. Drinkwater
[pdf, 5 Mb]
Climate change projection for the western North Pacific Ocean by dynamical downscaling
Chul Min Ko, Chan Joo Jang, Ho-Jeong Shin and Yong Sun Kim
[pdf, 2 Mb]
Regional climate change projection for the northwest Pacific marginal seas
Gwang-Ho Seo, Yang-Ki Cho, Byoung-Ju Choi and Kwang-Yul Kim
[waiting for permission]
Projected change in the East Asian summer monsoon from dynamical downscaling: Moisture
budget analysis
Chun-Yong Jung, Chan Joo Jang, Hyung-Jin Kim and Ho-Jeong Shin
2 Mb
An assessment of ocean climate reanalysis by the Data Assimilation System of KIOST
Young Ho Kim, Chorong Hwang and Byoung-Ju Choi
[waiting for permission]
A biogeochemical model for the British Columbia continental shelf
Angelica Peña, Diane Masson and Michael Foreman
[waiting for permission]
Transport of Todarodes pacificus winter cohort into the Yellow Sea in the early life states
Ji-Young Song, Joon-Soo Lee, Jung-Jin Kim and Ho-Jin Lee
[pdf, 3 Mb]
Impact of horizontal model resolution on air-sea CO2 exchange in the California Current
Jerome Fiechter, Enrique Curchitser, Christopher Edwards, Fei Chai, Nicole Goebel and Francisco
[pdf, 2 Mb]
Seasonality and linear trend of circulation around Korea derived from multi-platform
Sung Yong Kim
[waiting for permission]
Regime-dependent nonstationary relationship between the East Asian winter monsoon and
North Pacific Oscillation
Gyundo Pak, Young-Hyang Park, Frederic Vivier, Young-Oh Kwon and Kyung-Il Chang
[pdf, 5 Mb]
Dissemination of SATO UMI for sustainable aquaculture development in Indonesia (Invited)
Suhendar I. Sachoemar, Tetsuo Yanagi, Mitsutaku Makino, Mark L. Wells, Masahito Hirota and Ratu
Siti Aliah
[pdf, 8 Mb]
Social-ecological studies towards the integrated management of local fisheries in North-
Eastern Hokkaido, Japan
Emmanuel A. Sweke, Rotaro Okazaki, Yumi Kobayashi, Mitsutaku Makino and Yasunori Sakurai
[pdf, 2 Mb]
Pseudo-nitzschia diversity in the North Pacific from Continuous Plankton Recorder surveys
Rowena Stern, Vera Trainer, Stephanie Moore and Sonia Batten
[pdf, 2 Mb]
Determination of nanomolar concentration phosphate in seawater using a long-path liquid
waveguide capillary cell (LWCC)
Eun-Ju Park, Dong-Jin Kang, Sung-Rok Cho, Tae-Keun Rho and Eun-Soo Kim
[pdf, 2 Mb]
New approach for primary productivity assessment in the Bering Sea
Kirill Kivva
2 Mb
Age determination and growth rate of Mactra chinensis (Bivalvia, Mactridae) by external
rings and chondrophore growth bands
Jung-Yeon Kim, Ho Jin Bae and Chul-Woong Oh
[waiting for permission]
Responses in macrozooplankton population to water mass exchange and the spring
phytoplankton bloom in the Oyashio region
Yoshiyuki Abe, Atsushi Yamaguchi, Yuichiro Yamada, Kohei Matsuno, Rui Saito, Hiromichi
Ueno, Kosei Komatsu, Takashi Setou, Manabu Shimizu and Ichiro Imai
[pdf, 2 Mb]
Comprehensive transcriptome study to develop the molecular resources of the copepod
(Calanus sinicus) for their potential ecological applications
Hongjun Li and Qing Yang
2.5 Mb
Effects of water temperature on distribution and life cycle of northern shrimp at the
southwest coast of Kamchatka
Oksana G. Mikhailova
[pdf, 4 Mb]
Estimation of prey consumption by sei, Bryde's, common minke and sperm whales in the
western North Pacific taking into account uncertainties
Tsutomu Tamura, Kenji Konishi, Koji Matsuoka and Takashi Hakamada
[pdf, 2 Mb]
Shelf Habitat and EcoLogy of Fish and Zooplankton (SHELFZ) of the Chukchi Sea 2013
Elizabeth A. Logerwell, Kimberly M. Rand, Leandra de Sousa, Alexi Pinchuk, Sandra Parker-
Stetter, John Horne, Johanna Vollenweider and Ron Heintz
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
Spatiotemporal variation of benthic communities associated with weathervane scallop
(Patinopecten caurinus) beds off Alaska
Jessica R. Glass and Gordon H. Kruse
[pdf, 2.5 Mb]
Toothed whale interactions with longline fisheries in Alaska and economic implications
Megan J. Peterson, Franz J. Mueter, Courtney Carothers, Keith R. Criddle and Alan C. Haynie
[pdf, 2 Mb]
Spatial-temporal variation in feeding pattern and trophic position of Pacific salmon in the
North Pacific Ocean
Yuxue Qin and Masahide Kaeriyama
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
Comparison of anchovy biomass estimates measured by trawls, egg production methods and
hydro-acoustics in the Chesapeake Bay and the Korea Strait
Sukgeun Jung and Edward D. Houde
[pdf, 4 Mb]
Interannual variations in abundance and distribution of Japanese jack mackerel
larvae in the shelf-break region of the East China Sea during late winter and
Chiyuki Sassa, Motomitsu Takahashi, Yoshinobu Konishi and Youichi Tsukamoto
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
Vertical distribution of common squid (Todarodes pacificus) paralarvae in the northern East
China Sea
Hwa Hyun Lee, Suam Kim and Chul Park
[pdf, 1 Mb]
A spatially explicit account of California fisheries as ecosystem services
John C. Field, Rebecca R. Miller, Jarrod A. Santora, Rosemary Kosaka and Cindy Thomson
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
Pollock fishery and stock assessment
Oleg Bulatov
[pdf, 1.5 Mb]
Arrival of Fukushima radioactivity in North American continental waters
John N. Smith, Robin M. Brown, Marie Robert, William J. Williams and Richard Nelson
[waiting for updated version]
Legacy POPs: Are they finally fading from marine foodchains?
John E. Elliott, Aroha Miller, Kyle H. Elliott, Melanie F. Guigueno and Sandi Lee
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
POPs biotransport by Pacific salmon to the Russian coast of the Northwestern Pacific
Olga Lukyanova, Vasiliy Tsygankov, Margarita Boyarova and Nadezhda Khrisoforova
[pdf, 3 Mb]
Observations of turbulence in the summer East China Sea
Naoki Furuichi, Hironori Higashi, Hiroshi Koshikawa, Toru Hasegawa, Kou Nishiuchi and Haruya
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
Properties of internal tides and vertical mixing observed on the continental slope of the
southwestern East Sea
Seongbong Seo, Young-Gyu Park, Jae-Hun Park, Chang-Soo Hong, Dong Guk Kim and Jae-Hak Lee
[waiting for permission]
Second-mode semi-diurnal internal tides on the continental slope of the southwestern East/
Japan Sea
Hee-Yeol Lee, Jae-Hun Park, Chanhyung Jeon, Seongbong Seo, Young-Gyu Park and Sung-Dae Kim
[waiting for permission]
Investigation of wave processes on the eastern shelf of Sakhalin Island influenced by tidal
currents (Sea of Okhotsk)
Evgeniya Maryina and Margarita Grishina
[pdf, 3.5 Mb]
Simulating water-borne disease transmission among salmon farms in the Discovery Islands,
Michael Foreman, Kyle Garver, Dario Stucchi, Ming Guo, Peter Chandler, John Morrison and
Darren Tuele
[pdf, 4.5 Mb]
On the physical and biological interactions between coastal and open sea waters
Vadim Navrotsky, Valeriy Liapidevskii, Vyacheslav Lobanov, Elena Pavlova and Fedor Khrapchenkov
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
Improvement and seasonal variations of sea surface salinity data in the East Sea derived
from Aquarius/SAC-D images
Jin-Wook Lim, Sang-Woo Kim, Chung-Il Lee and Hee-Dong Jeong
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
Sea surface height variability from satellite altimetry and pressure-recording inverted echo
sounders in the North Equatorial Current region
Chanhyung Jeon, Jae-Hun Park, Dong Guk Kim, Eung Kim, Dongchull Jeon and D. Randolph Watts
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
Decadal changes of pCO2 and ocean acidification in the Western Arctic Ocean
Zhongyong Gao, Liqi Chen, Heng Sun, Zhenglin Xiao and Di Qi
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
Variability of the flow through the Kerama Gap between the East China Sea and the
Northwestern Pacific induced by mesoscale eddy activities
Hanna Na, Jae-Hun Park, Mark Wimbush, Hirohiko Nakamura, Ayako Nishina and Xiao-Hua Zhu
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]
Simulation of river runoff in Eastern Siberia and the propagation of this river water in the
Viktor Kuzin, Gennady Platov, Elena Golubeva and Natalya Lapteva
[pdf, 2.5 Mb]
Features of climatic variability in the Tatar Strait (Japan/East Sea)
Elena I. Ustinova and Yury D. Sorokin
[pdf, 2 Mb]
Long-term warming trend of sea surface temperature in the South China Sea
A-Ra Choi, Young-Gyu Park and Jae-Hun Park
[waiting for permission]
An overview of the oceanographic component of the World Class Tanker Safety Initiative
Charles Hannah, Patrick Cummins, Michael Foreman, Diane Masson, Pramod Thupaki, Svein Vagle
and Di Wan
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Modeling of deep currents in the Japan/East Sea
Olga Trusenkova
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Cascading of dense water along Peter the Great Bay slope in the northwestern Japan Sea
Vyacheslav Lobanov, Aleksandr Sergeev, Igor Gorin, Pavel Scherbinin, Aleksandr Voronin,
Dmitry Kaplunenko, Oleg Popov, Timofei Gulenko and Svetlana Ladychenko
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Western North Pacific Integrated Physical-Biogeochemical Ocean Observation Experiment:
Summary of the intensive observation around the biogeochemical mooring S1 (S1-INBOX)
Toshio Suga, Ryuichiro Inoue, Shinya Kouketsu, Shigeki Hosoda, Taiyo Kobayashi, Kanako Sato,
Hiroyuki Nakajima, Makio Honda, Tetsuichi Fujiki, Kazuhiko Matsumoto, Takeshi Kawano and
Toshiro Saino
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The International Scientific Committee for Tuna and Tuna-like Species in the North Pacific
Gerard T. DiNardo
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Review of PICES/FUTURE and relation to ISC
Suam Kim
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A review of CLIOTOP and related research programs in the North Pacific
Francisco E. Werner
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Modeling the Pacific Ocean: Present capabilities and challenges for the next decade in
relation to pelagic ecosystems
Enrique Curchitser
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Oceanographic influences on albacore distribution in the Northeast Pacific: Importance of
open ocean and coastal frontal zones
Steven L.H. Teo, Yi Xu, Karen Nieto, Sam McClatchie and John Holmes
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Abundance and growth of larval Pacific anchovy in different water masses and relationship
between its growth and sea temperature in the southern waters of Korea
Joon-Taek Yoo and Su-Kyung Kim
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Projected responses of the central North Pacific pelagic ecosystem to climate-induced
changes in micronekton communities
C. Anela Choy, Phoebe Woodworth-Jefcoats and Jeffrey J. Polovina
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Prominent meanders of the Sub-Tropical Counter Current and pelagic fish catch
Daisuke Hasegawa, Satoshi Mitarai and Koichi Hirate
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Simulation study on the distribution of skipjack tuna in relation to Fish Aggregating Devices
(FADs) during ENSO
Eunjung Kim and John R. Sibert
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The relationship between ecological characteristics of Pacific bluefin tuna (
) fisheries and environmental factors around Jeju Island
Ari Shin, Sang Chul Yoon and Suam Kim
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Is winter a critical period for Pacific salmon? A critical review of the “critical-period”
Marc Trudel and James R. Irvine
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Russian research on winter dwelling of Pacific salmon in the central and western parts of the
Subarctic Front zone
Svetlana V. Naydenko
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Distribution of Pacific salmon in the North Pacific Ocean & adjacent seas, with particular
emphasis on winter
David W. Welch, Yukimasa Ishida, Kazuya Nagasawa and Sonia Batten
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Distribution and trophic conditions of chum and pink salmon in the North Pacific Ocean
during winter under climate change
Shigehiko Urawa, Toshiki Kaga, Tomonori Azumaya, Shunpei Sato, Masa-aki Fukuwaka and
Terry Beacham
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Winter mortality of Okhotsk Sea pink salmon in the ocean
Alexander V. Zavolokin and Elena V. Strezhneva
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Impact of climate variability and change on winter survival of Bristol Bay sockeye salmon
Edward Farley, Greg Ruggerone, Phil Mundy, Ellen Yasumiishi and Beverly Agler
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Does physical environmental variation influence winter salmon habitat?
Shoshiro Minobe
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Feeding by the heterotrophic protists on the red-tide ciliate Mesodinium rubrum
Kyung Ha Lee, Hae Jin Jeong, Eun Young Yoon, Se Hyeon Jang, Hyung Seop Kim and Wonho Yih
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Prospect for the biological control of Heterocapsa circularisquama bloom by inoculating
frozen bottom sediment with HcRNAV viruses
Natsuko Nakayama, Shinichi Kondo, Naotsugu Hata, Yuji Tomaru, Masami Hamaguchi, Keizo
Nagasaki and Shigeru Itakura
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Isolation and physiological characterization of a new algicidal virus infecting a harmful
dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum
JinJoo Kim, Chang-Hoon Kim, Young-Sang Suh and Tae-Jin Choi
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Biocontrol of harmful flagellate biomass blooms by utilization of harmless diatoms through
germination of resting stage cells in coastal sea
Ichiro Imai, Yumi Imai, Takuma Toda, Kazuyoshi Miyamura, Makoto Noda, Ken-Ichiro Ishii and
Takashi Nakanishi
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Removal of aquaculture discharges responsible for HABs development by the polychaeteassisted
integrated culture system
Parandavar Hossein, Sung-Kyun Kim, Byung-Kwon Kim, Kyeong-Hun Kim and Chang-Hoon Kim
[waiting for permission]
Inhibition of swimming speed and growth of the harmful dinoflagellate
by diatoms: Implications for its red tide
An Suk Lim, Hae Jin Jeong, Tae Young Jang, Se Hyeon Jang and Peter JS Franks
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Heterosigma akshiwo blooms in stratified water of the East China Sea
Douding Lu, Xinfeng Dai, Dongrong Li, Ping Xia and Weibing Guan
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The status of ocean monitoring in Korea
Jae Hak Lee
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Ten-year retrospective of the Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems
Jan A. Newton, John A. Barth, David L. Martin, Michael P. Kosro, Jonathan Allan, Emilio Mayorga
and many NANOOS Colleagues
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OIST Ocean Cube, a new coastal cabled observatory in Okinawa, Japan
Mary M. Grossmann, Satoshi Mitarai and Scott M. Gallager
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Joint Environmental Data Integration System: JEDI System
Hidekatsu Yamazaki, Scott Gallager, Hayato Kondo and Kunihisa Yamaguchi
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Cabled ocean observatories as tools for studying biodiversity change
S. Kim Juniper and Fabio De Leo
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Using autonomous underwater gliders to observe continental margins and oceanic boundary
John A. Barth
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